In the central part of the island there are two beaches that you should not miss, the historical beach of Daskalopetra and the familiar bay of Lithi. On the west side, little beaches away from the road dominate the coast. Most of them can only be reached after a few hundred meters walk down a steep hill, so the trip is usually rewarded with a small picturesque beach for your exclusive use and enjoyment. The beach of Elinda is the most popular on this area and it has a road connection.
Every morning, the residents of the island go there to buy fresh, sweet – smelling fishes. Of course, the tavern owners do not miss this date, so in the summer you can enjoy the sea and the sun in the beautiful coast of Daskalopetra and later, in the noon, you can have a delicious lunch in one of the seaside taverns. And once there, don’t forget to visit the famous Homer’s stone, from where the great poet author of the epics “Odyssey” and “Iliad” gave his lessons. The blue city buses have frequent service to Daskalopetra. Alternatively, a taxi or a rented vehicle can get someone to the beach.
But, if your passion is wind – surfing, you can take your surf – board and go to Velonas beach. There, for sure, you are going to meet other fans of this sport too surfing on the waves for many hours. Especially in the appropriate weather and good winds of this island, surfing will be one of the most interesting experiences for your summer vacations.

In the east side of Chios Island, following the seaside road, there are many beautiful beaches, really good for swimming and sea-sports. In Vrontados there is one of the better equipped beaches for bathe and athletics in Chios: Ormos Lo. This beach is located a few hundred meters from Daskalopetra and it is maintained by the local sea-sport club.
In the central and south section there are 32 lockers, rooms, a refreshment bar, free seats, tents, showers and toilets for the summer visitors. There it is also situated the nautical – athletic section of PEKEV. Also, there is an Olympic sized lido, a water polo swimming – pool, sailing boats (Laser and Optimists) and three outboard boats, locker – rooms, a volleyball field, another basketball field, tiers for 500 people, and also floodlights for the comfortable conduct of the night games. In this context, it is not strange to see that Ormos Lo has a sailing team that every year wins the European Unions’ Flag, a team with expert teachers who love the sea and have the passion to teach young people who are interested in aquatic sports.
All the activities are organized from the north side of the sports complex, a two floored building. There are also located the two restaurants, with a capacity of 200 people each; one, in the ground floor, is for lunch and the other, in the first floor, for dinner.

From the other side of Chios Island, passing through the town of Chios (Chora) with destination to the village of Anavatos, there is a road outside the village that leads to the magnificent coast of Elinta. This is a deep bay with pebbled seashore, a beach with a clear, deep – blue sea, where, according to tradition, there is a shipwreck of a Roman ship lying in the bottom.
The sandy bay of Lithi, together with Karfas, is suitable for families with little children due to its shallow and warm water. Besides, although it is a little bit isolated because of the few hotels and bus connections, the taverns serving fresh fish and other specialties are a very good reason of its colorfulness and live.
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